Monthly Archives:

novembre 2016

Au fils des saisons/ Au jardin/ Automne/ English/ Thanksgiving/ Uncategorized

Decorating the house for Thanksgiving

12 novembre 2016

I have harvested all my pumpkins and gotten started on my Thanksgiving decor. Some are still growing, we’ve had a very long fall this year but Thanksgiving is approaching and the squirrels are eating them all. I thought that they’d be safe on the front porch but no. The squirrel repellent I bought does not work very well. It’s not surprising given that it is both kid and pet friendly…

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Au fils des saisons/ Au jardin/ Automne/ Français/ Halloween/ Uncategorized

Citrouilles d’Halloween: idées et astuces

12 novembre 2016

C’est la saison des citrouilles d’Halloween! Les courges ne sont pas très populaires en France. Ici, par contre, les supermarchés regorgent de courges et citrouilles de toutes tailles et de toutes formes dès la fin août. L’avantage des citrouilles et des courges, c’est qu’elles se conservent tout l’hiver. C’est une excellente source de fibres, vitamines et minéraux et bien sur, elle ne contiennent aucune matière grasse. J’ai récolté 5 Sugar Pies…

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Au fils des saisons/ Au jardin/ Automne/ English

Summer leaks into autumn…

9 novembre 2016

This year, summer won’t quit although fall is well on it’s way. It’s November 11th and aside from a couple morning frosts that took the tomatoes plants down, we’ve had nothing but sunny warm days. Today, I planted an additional 65 tulip and daffodil bulbs that I purchased half price at the Home Depot. I planted them in my cutting garden, between the garlics and the alliums. If it all…

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